Near Death Experiences & ADCs
A puppy from heaven?

Message written by

October 15, 2007 at 19:43:50:

Hi Ken,
My grandma, who raised me, crossed over 7 yrs ago. I miss her terribly. A few yrs ago our daughter got us a new puppy, a miniature pinscher, whom I named Monty. Monty took to me right away and is my constant companion. Even my husband couldn't get over how close the two of us are. Where ever we go, Monty goes! When we got Monty's registration papers I learned he was born on my birthday, May 2nd and also learned this breed of dog originated from Germany. My grandma was German also. I wonder if our deceased loved ones can send us pets when we need then in our lives. I know you are such a great animal lover and would like your opinion. Monty has sure made a difference in my life. Love, Char  

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