Near Death Experiences & ADCs
Re: Garden Of Creation!!!!

Message written by

Maxine Bamford
May 29, 2007 at 18:13:07:

In Reply to
Garden Of Creation!!!!
posted by
Ken ( Reaching For Joy )
February 26, 2007 at 12:44:26:


This is the first time I have shared publicly this experience. I do so now because what you wrote resonated with my experience.

I was very young at the time but I remember clearly and have spent many decades of meditation work to understand my experience. My understanding of my experience may be different in some regards but that is part of the journey.

So. I was somewhere between 4 and 6 years old. I think I had pnumonia but it may have been something else. I found myself in this green valley with around 30 Light Beings. There was a stream running through it. They were my true family. I had the most profound sense of coming home. Into unconditional love and acceptance. Two Light Beings came forward to meet me. A man and a woman. Both were in their prime. Others in the group ranged from small children to old, old people. Communication wasn't with words. It felt like I merged with them in some way and felt their feelings as they spoke. Ambiguity wasn't possible. I was given a choice about whether to stay or return. There are no words to express how much I wanted to stay. In that perfect peace and understanding and acceptance. I knew however that my mother's grief would be beyond her endurance and I could not be party to causing her that pain. I stayed a while, I say that not in terms of time, but because I remember a wonderful conversation with an old man, who shared with me his teaching about acceptance, about love. This wasn't anything other than allowing me to merge with his energy, to experience his unconditional love of me.
I came back. I distinctly remember how ill I was because I found that if I refused food I could return to the Light Beings. I did. But I had made my decision, and with compassion and feeling I was turned back to this earth. I have yearned and longed with my whole soul to be with them since. I love being alive, there is great joy and learning here. But death? I don't think there is any such thing. Only transition. Out of sleep into a different reality.

Peace to you

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